Sad Love, Happy Love

I was driving (read: speeding) on Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah Bridge when Lee Seung Chul's "No One Else" blast through my radio. It was sunset; a very phenomenal and romantic sunset. The song fits beautifully into the mood. But this song is associated with one of Korea's best melodramatic movie, "More Than Blue" also known as "A Story Sadder Than Sadness". I cried my heart out; sampai migraine keesokkan harinya.

The movie starts off like any typical melo love movie -- BFF/soul mates (Cream and K are orphans), terminal illness (cancer), noble idiocy (K keeps his feeling for Cream a secret because Cream’s biggest fear is to be left alone) and a hero too good to be truth. Walaupun tipikal, hati dah sedih dan menangis. It was so hard to watch the hero struggling with this feeling and dealing with his illness. The scene where K helps Cream to choose her wedding dress and walk her down the aisle was so heartbreaking.

Then the second part of the movie reveals everything.
What do you know - Cream knows about the K's terminal illness and noble idiocy plan ALL THE WHILE. The only reason why she played along was to grant K's wish: for Cream to find a good and healthy man to spend her life with. Lepas tu barulah filem ni tunjukkan beberapa scene dari perspektif Cream. Masa cuba baju pengantin tu, Cream saja je ambil gambar dengan K -- that is their wedding picture. Then when he walked her down the aisle, she was so happy as if it is their wedding ceremony. The cheerful smile wiped off the moment K hands her to the fiancee. After K's death, Cream commits suicide. Masa scene ni lah aku menangis semahu-mahunya. Dang all the secrets!

Love story? Entahlah. But I guess when we love somebody; we are willing to sacrifice a lot of thing. The world, if we can. Macam K dan Cream. Stupid? Definitely. I'd want to spend my remaining time with someone I love. I'd confess my feeling. I would cherish every moment I have.
But of course, I can totally be like Cream and K. We never know kan...

Enough with this type of love. Cinta yang macam ni satu beban kepada jantung, perasaan dan akal. I've been there. It takes time to heal and restart from it. Bukanlah cinta tu perlu sentiasa gembira sahaja. But you're supposed to love, not to endure something unpleasant. Just saying.

Tak mau sedih-sedih yer. Jom tukar mood dengan lagu yang ceria. This is Lee Seung Chul's "My Love". The MV is a fan's proposal to his girlfriend. Sangat sweet. Tak tahu kenapa, tapi rasa sangat terharu masa part penari balet tu.

Love is supposed to brings the best in you. Not the opposite.


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