Assalamualaikum, Golden Screen Cinema, Queensbay Mall, Penang. 9.50 pm, C19. A moment of truth... I LOVE IT!!! Oh my... I have so many things to say about New Moon. I'll try to keep it the shortest :D To Stephanie Meyer for her great writings; to Chris Weitz for sticking to the book, to Melissa Rosenberg for the screenplay, and to the production team of New Moon: Thank you for bringing all my favorite parts into living moments - all are the parts I will read every time. You have done it GREAT. Oh yes, some people might not agree with me; as some prefer tea over coffee. The world is not perfect and it's okay :p I know the saga by heart, and I'm not watching New Moon to know the story. I'm watching New Moon to see it in flesh and blood (and abs if I may add), to witness the moments being pictured by different minds and to give credit to the team for their effort in bringing a fiction to real life. New Moon the movie is just like New Moon the book. Hate the beginning; hat...
I wish my heart listens more to my head.
~I scold myself, "boleh tak jangan mintak apa yang orang xleh bagi?"
but to no avail. I still fall into the hole, time and time again.
misery loves company, eh? day you'll find love.
Love is all around u. And it doesn't come from only one person. There's love in the eyes of a child, there's love in the voice a friend..there's love in faces that you know.