My Best Guy Friend's Wedding


My best guy friend is getting married tomorrow. We've known each other since we were 13. We were not that close back at school days but as we grow up more mature, somehow we click together.
When a woman finds her Prince Charming, I 'lost' my best guy friend...
It's emotional [teary eyes]... the kind of feeling you'd feel when your sibling gets married. On top of that, I am among the happiest - again, the feeling when your sibling gets married ^_____^

So this is to Ikmal and Nurul!
All praise to Allah that you've found each other and your love blessed with marriage.
Congratulations, friends~

Baraka Allahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fee khair.
May Allah bless you and shower his blessings on you and bring you together in goodness.
Amiin Ya Rabb.



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