
Showing posts from May, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - and the Irony

Assalamualaikum, I am not going to story-tell this movie, please Google it. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was not in my movie list. It was mostly because Jake Gyllenhaal (Prince Dastan) doesn't make a handsome and charming prince in the trailer. He's a face, yes. But that's all. Secondly, I think the title was too typical and obviously designed to lure girls' attention. I had this feeling of being a typical girl if I fall for it and watch it. Though, I am not that cruel; my best stars would come from the fact that this film was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, I could at least expect the cinematography to be as good as Pirates of the Caribbean. But I watched it and I am glad I did! The first thing I notice was that Gemma Arterton (Princess Tamina) look astounding in the theatrical poster. In addition, her voice is very special. Overall, Prince of Persia is a successfull movie. I can say that the script was well written, the cinematography was as I expected and the ...

Nota: Melawan Kesepian

Assaalamualaikum, Apa yang berlaku dah pun berlaku. Tidak ada istilah, anggaplah semua ini tidak pernah berlaku. Hidup dalam kontinuum realiti ni memang menyakitkan. But do we have other choice? We have to move on. Promises were just words. Memories were just acts captured in time. We are only human; we can't expect everything to turn out as we believe it can be. This is really happening, not scenes written in novels or dramas. Wounds required time to heal. Walaupun luka dah sembuh, parut mungkin akan kelihatan. You know, in medical practice when a body brought in with too severe injury, the doctors would stop all medication and leave the body to heal herself. Let it go. Wassalam. Nanti kita kan tahu Betapa bijaknya hidup Sepahit apapun ini Pelajaran yang bererti Semoga kepergianmu Tak akan merubah apapun Semoga mampu kulawan Kesepianku Apapun yang terjadi Berjalanlah tanpa henti

Hal Dunia

Assalamualaikum, Siapa yang tak sedih kalau pelbagai perkara terjadi dalam kehidupan. Tambahan pula bila melibatkan rasa tertipu. Kata ego, pantang datuk nenek. Marah, kecewa, menyesal, geram. Dah macam rojak yang ada segalanya. Kalau ikutkan hati, mahu aku menangis sepanjang hari. Kalau ikutkan marah, mahu aku menghancurkan hidup orang tersebut. Kalau ikutkan kecewa, mahu aku putus asa dengan kehidupan. Tapi menangislah macam mana pun, perkara dah berlaku. Walau apa pun yang aku buat untuk menghukum, tak mengubah apa-apa. Lebih teruk kalau aku sampai putus asa sedangkan hidup ini masih panjang. Hari ni menangis, esok tetap menangis. Hari ni aku balas dendam, esok api masih tak padam. Semua ni bisik-bisik syaitan... Ini hal dunia. Hal dunia yang memang jelas sementara. Memang la rasa sakit, pedih dan perit. Aku tak nafikan... Tapi, ini hal dunia... Dalam tangis dan sedu sedan sampai bengkak mata, aku terfikir... Aku membaca mengenai Fatimah Az-Zahra, 'Aishah, Khadijah, Asiyah, Suma...

Kamu Marah?

Daripada Abu Hurairah RA bahawasanya seorang lelaki berkata kepada Nabi SAW "Berwasiatlah kepadaku," Lalu Nabi SAW menjawab: "Janganlah engkau menjadi seorang yang pemarah." Orang itu mengulangi permintaan beberapa kali, Nabi SAW menjawab:"Janganlah engkau menjadi seorang yang pemarah." (Riwayat al-Bukhari) Assalamualaikum, Allahhu Akbar Subhanallah Lailahailallah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Walaupun betul untuk marah, tak semestinya perlu marah. Walaupun aku mahu marah, tapi ada kemarahan yang lebih dasyat daripada kemarahanku. Semoga Allah selamatkan aku daripada kemarahan yang berpunca daripada bisikan syaitan yang direjam. Semoga Allah pelihara aib dan akhlakku. Semoga Allah selamatkan daripada khayalan dunia yang sementara. Allah itu Maha Penyayang, Maha Adil. Biarlah hati berdarah di dunia… Yakinlah balasan akan balasan Allah… Wassalam.

Runway - Final Walk

Assalamualaikum, Background music: Pachelbel's Canon 44 seconds and I finally reach the end of the runway. When I took the first step, the runway seems like a long journey. It even terrified me. But now, this is it... This is my final moment on this runway. I stopped and let the seconds caresses me. I let the melody of Pachelbel's Canon to dance around me. I closed my eyes and said softly: this is the melody I heard when I fell in love, and now she's going to play her melody and witness my final walk. A good runway model could walk in any dress and in any high heels, on any runway. I might have stumbled once or twice. But I'll learn and I'll be better. Apart from that, I know I did my walk beyond every expectation. I did it. I opened my eyes and see faces I love. The halo in their eyes set my soul free. I know no matter which row they are, they'll always be there for me. Their love radiates from them and warmth the air. It tells me that I already have the world....

Crossing Over

Assalamualaikum, Nobody can hurt you more than yourself. Today, I finally have to admit to myself: Haffizzatul 'Aini Aton, no matter how strong you've been you’re just flesh and bloods. Now stop hurting yourself and cross over. I am going to leave all unpleasant events behind me; I'll leave them at the other side of the world. I am looking forward to bottle up all of it and throw it into the sea. Totally so yesterday ! Hey, it's nothing personal. You know how I love winning. If I'm going to have bruise on my heart, it will be from me, definitely not from you. *flying kiss* Wassalam.

Expecting Eclipse

Assalamualaikum, I do not have proper introduction for this entry. All I have in mind was so typical; " July please come faster " kind of stuff. Though the publicity of the 3rd book -- Eclipse -- not as burning-hot as New Moon, waiting make me claustrophobic! Eclipse is in the air. I already re-reading Eclipse few weeks back, to take into the mood. Ok, I sleep with it too :p I favor Eclipse out of all four books. This is my book, my bedtime story as I said. I can read it over and over again and I somehow could memorize it well. My first and most favorite quote from Eclipse was: " I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you ." I am so looking forward to see this note on Bella's pillow, or it could be better if they made it Edward's dialogue. Swoon~ There's not much to expect from this entry as it will only contains my expectations toward the movie and what I'd like to see -- pretty much everything ...

Another Mother's Day

Assalamualaikum, This coming 9th May 2010 is another Mother's Day. This is another Mother's Day, without Mak. Just another day, just another Sunday. I promised to buy Mak a set of curtains for our home on her final Mother's Day -- for Hari Raya. But somehow it was too late and no tailor would accept anymore curtains that year. So we celebrated Hari Raya with the old curtains, the one Mak love best. We still use that curtains untill today. Is it because of the nostalgia it holds? Maybe... I have raised a suggestion for new curtains this year. Another Mother's Day without Mak. The first Mother's Day for Mama. Sigh Wassalam.

Iklan Sengal

Assalamualaikum, Akhir-akhir ni semakin banyak iklan-iklan sengal di television mahupun radio. Macam cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan pulak, padahal sekarang hujan pun dah jarang turun. Lebih sesuai di panggil wabak kot. Kata syarikat iklan, mereka buat iklan untuk tarik minat kumpulan sasaran. Jadi kalau iklan bergaya sengal, maksudnya kumpulan sasaran tu pun terdiri daripada manusia-manusia yang sengal lah yer? Dua iklan yang memang tak bley blah adalah iklan Lurve dan Jack 'n Jill Roller Coaster. Ada bau lucah dan poyo di situ. Rasa ingin saman -- nombor satu adalah yang empunya idea, nombor 2 pula tenaga produksi -- atas sebab mengganggu kedamaian fikiran. It’s considered as harassment! Kepada yang mengambil perhatian, akan perasan yang iklan-iklan berunsur lucah adalah pendekatan terkini [ayat skema di situ...] Pernah tengok iklan Rejoice yang bukan untuk keluaran Malaysia... sangat tidak sensitif. Touchy touchy gtew! Tapi tak yah heran la kerana iklan tu disiarkan di negara yang...


Assalamualaikum, Some might say I am making a fool out of myself. The worst would say that I am selling my story to the public for sympathy or revenge or revealing all the dirty laundry from its basket. Well, go on. You can have all the vocabulary. Sharing helps me to stay on the ground. When I share what's happening in my life, I learn to calm down and accept the event. I need another person to know that this is happening to me. This might sound crazy, but I must be sure that the going on not just in my head and that it is real. You can laugh; but accept this fact -- we never know when our mind will get bizarrely out of its logic :p Conversely, do keep a bit of yourself. Share only what is appropriate. There are good reasons for wearing clothes. Wassalam.


Assalamualaikum, "With great power comes great responsibility". When I arrived at office this morning, I was greeted by above phrase from 3 friends -- two on Facebook status and the other from a blog. The first friend [most probably] referring to what's happening in his life, the second one would be referring to her profession as a doctor and the third one quote this phrase in his entry regarding relationship. I've heard if this phrase and I agree with it -- I always do. I always see 'power' similar to velocity. The higher the velocity, the more you have to focus on where you are heading, and the more control you have to put on the wheel. At the same time, it also increases the probability of being steered out of the way. When you are moving in high speed, you become more vulnerable. With great power comes great responsibility. The phrase itself is a balance representation. 'Great power' and 'great responsibility'. Nothing more or less. And, th...

Week’s Wrap Up

Assalamualaikum, 1st Drive Alhamdulillah, I did it! It's an achievement. I manage to drive [safely] to and back from work the whole week and... I drove Penang-Taiping-Penang [safely, too]. Few years back who would believe I can drive; even I doubt it. Well, though Angel got scrathed on her first day to work and one honking incident plus few silly mistakes, everything went pretty well than I expected. I hate Abah's passion to speed, but I guess I inherited the passion too. Hahaha. It is hard to obey speed limit, especially those 60 km/h and below. Gosh! Add up to the passion part, I met two accidents on my journey. One on my way to Taiping, the second one while driving back to Penang. A tangible reminder before my eyes. Drill??! Abah managed to ‘influence’ me to get Angel a spoiler. His idea, my money. Haha. So I got her a spoiler. The second hardest part after the money was to see her being drilled for the spoiler. I could have had a heart attack. I was anxious; like a parent ...