Searching for Balance


While watching "Eat, Pray, Love", I thought I have never find myself so trap that I need to travel around the world in search for peace. I mean I do travel. But I travel towards family and friends, not opposite of them. Family and friends are my source of energy. They keep me balanced. I don't know what will happen without them.

Being around them (family and friends) reminded me to people who treasure me; sincerely need me in their life and relying on me. They remind me that as much as I want to give up living and break down alone in a corner, I have people and hearts to consider. I have responsibility to fulfill. And the most important thing - I already have the greatest love of the world.

Let's forget the sadness in our heart. Put a period into it. Life is an adventure and let’s takes this challenge. If you can't stay, if you can't find the exit door here, find Liz in yourself and go further in your search. Never ever give up.

Note: Find HIM, you'll find your balance.



Anonymous said…
Go back to AL Quran & Sunnah Nabi SAW..u SHALL find anyting or achieve anyting you want rite? Simple..

Copenhagen Denmark.
'Aini said…
Yes, you're right. That is our ultimate peace and balance - ALLAH.
Thank you :)

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