

Our heart always has something that she desires. But we don't usually get what we want. Instead, we get what we need. And, what we want is not necessarily what we need. It could get twisted there and when it does, it gives our heart a hard time.

The hardest part is to see it coming and to accept the fact that you are not getting what you expect to get. The second hardest thing is to let it go. They say it all started with a dream, but sometime we would wish to have never fallen asleep...

Now that would be a silly mistake. Instead of wishing the past never happen, it is better to focus on what's happening today. The future is not ours to see. So we should use every precious time we plan to spend worrying about future, by living well and by putting effort for a better tomorrow.

The constant pain, the uneasy feeling, the heartbreak, it will eventually subside and will go away. What's not ours is not ours. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Accept it and move on.



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