What I Can Do


"Dan apabila mata ibumu sudah tertutup, maka hilanglah satu keberkatan di sisi Allah, iaitu doa seorang ibu."

For someone who has just lost a mother, above phrase was like a lightning straight to my heart. I was tremendously saddened by it. It was one of the loneliest days in my life after the passing of Mak. It was the day the emptiness inside me becomes more significant. It sent shivers to my spine - how would a child live without a mother's doa?

It is sad when we only think about ourselves. Like I said, how would I live without Mak's doa?
It is sad when we only see what a mother (or a parent) can no longer do to us.
It is sad when we only see what we no longer have.

But have we ever asked ourselves, what we can do for them?
Have we ever sit down in between of the mourning and longing and ask: what our parents really need after their passing?

"Abu Hurairah .a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: Apabila seorang anak Adam meninggal dunia, maka putuslah segala amalannya melainkan tiga perkara iaitu sedekah jariah atau ilmu yang bermanfaat atau anak yang soleh yang berdoa untuknya."

Yes, it is our turn to do something for our parents - to be a good child and make doa for them.

For everybody who has parents and is grateful to have them, for everybody who has lost a parent, for everybody who says they love their parents - always remember this.
Jadilah anak yang soleh dan solehah yang mendoakan kedua-dua ibu bapa. That is our love monument for them.

Don't wait. We never know how much time they have...
Or how much time we have.


In the remembrance of Mak.
3 years without you and we miss you so much!

A friend asked, when did I stop being sad about the passing of Mak. Well... I don't think I did. At least not until today. I never thought the passing of Mak as "a sadness I need to overcome within certain period of time". How could anyone not be sad about losing a parent? It is beyond any vocabulary. But being in that condition does not give me the reason to be miserable all the time for forever. Being sad is unavoidable but life has to go on.

Mak would tell me to live well.
She is not here but that does not void her wish.



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