Getting Out of the Slump


Sometimes I feel like crying will solve everything. When I feel like that, I know I am in the slump - "The New Moon" slump. I called it that because I am in a similar state as Bella Swan in The New Moon after Edward Cullen left her.

"It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest."

"Normal memories were still dangerous. If I let myself slip up, I’d end up with my arms clutching my chest to hold it together, gasping for air..."


It's hard to get out from this state, but I have bounce back before. It took a lot of patience, a lot of determination, a generous amount of support, and most importantly: a strong will.

The strongest will is fueled by living up to the purpose of our creation - to submit and worship Allah.

Crying does solve everything; when you used up all your energy and cry in your solat and doa.

It is always the darkest before the new moon. And stars are the brightest during this time.

I'll find my way - I assure myself.


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